

The Election Commission has started the counting process for the 220 parliament seats and 116 state seats after polling closed at 6pm.

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LETTER | Parliament should curb corporate dominance. Business world doesn't seem to be working in the interest of Malaysians. Callistus Antony D'Angelus ; LETTER ...

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TheElectionCommissionhasstartedthecountingprocessforthe220parliamentseatsand116stateseatsafterpollingclosedat6pm.,Readthelatestnewsandviewson#liveblogatMalaysiakini.,Newsandviewsthatmatter.,Readthelatestnewsandviewson#livestreamingatMalaysiakini.,LETTER|Parliamentshouldcurbcorporatedominance.Businessworlddoesn'tseemtobeworkingintheinterestofMalaysians.CallistusAntonyD'Angelus;LETTER ...,LiveRe...